This past weekend I went to one of my good friend, Nicole's bachelorette party in Puerto Vallarta. Three weeks leading up to the bachelorette, I slaved away making the bride's veil, sash, and a booty poof as well as headbands for the 11 girls that were going along for the weekend. (Let's be real I crammed the week of for at least half of it!) I enjoy making these for bachelorette parties I attend, but my fiance probably hates it (I tend to always ask him to help me glue the multiple cardstock together.) I really need to find another way to make the names thicker without having to use 6 to 8 pieces of cardstock glued one on top of another.
I went to my cousin, Stacy's bachelorette back in March and her Matron of Honor made booty poofs for the entire squad (photo below). I thought it was a great idea, so I tried making one myself with the tulle that I used for Nicole's veil.
It turned out great on Nicole and she loved it!